Two errors with Contact Form

Hello all

Here a new (1 day), first time user of ZenPhoto ( Tried Piwigo first but have to say: ZenPhoto really is way better, much easier in use and end result looks better :)

Sofar no problems with ZenPhoto other then that I can not get the contact form to work. The next plugins are enabled: contact_form and zenphoto_sendmail.

I know the sending of mail to me does work because when I try to comment on an image, then that works and I get an email that a comment is added.

But when the contact form is used and I send, then I get no mail but only 2 errors (translated because all is written in Dutch here :) ). This is what I get when I click Send:

Errors when sending email:
- invalid "to" email address
- no "to" address-list is given

I gather that my host does support mail from my site since I get mail when a comment is added. So I am somewhat lost on why the contactform is giving these errors.

Thanks in advance!
The Netherlands


  • To whom should the contact be sent? What have you set for that plugin option?
  • @ sbillard
    The contact should be send to me, mail is set for me as administrator in my user profile.
    But there is nothing like that in the options for the plugin contact_form. There are 2 options to send a copy and to confirm the text. All other options in that plugin are for layout.
    The zenphoto_sendmail plugin does not have any options.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    That's weird. There should be a field where you can enter one or more email-addresses.
    I can confirm that it is missing when the language is set to Dutch.

    EDIT: This is in the SVN Trunk
  • @ Fretzl

    You are right!! :D I changed the admin language to English and now I can set an email address in the plugin settings.
    Tested it and it works fine now :)
    So in short: when Dutch is set as language in the Zenphoto configuration, there is no option to set an email address in the options for the contact_form plugin.
    When set to English, the option is suddenly there
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    That is weird, please look into the server error logs if there is an error. THat is a field and I don't see why that should be related to the language chosen...

    PS: Nothing against Piwigo, we have very loose but friendly contact with its main developer..;-) For each task there is the right tool..;)
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Nothing in the logs I'm afraid.
  • @ acrylian

    I did try German, English and French and in there, there is the option to set an email address in the options for the contact_form plugin. But when language is set to Dutch, that option is just not there.
    Did check logs but there is nothing to be found on this error.

    PS nothing against Piwigo indeed :) For me ZenPhoto is much more intuitive. But indeed for each, each own tool: I can read and write with the 3D program Bryce while most people can not work with that interface.
  • fretzl:

    Look also at the text of the translation--are there any quotation marks in it?

    Also what does `Mail address` translate to? are there other options in the plugin that translate to the same Dutch text? That would be my theory.
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Finally found something.
    The translation for Mail address was E-mailadres.
    When I remove the hyphen the field is visible again.
  • @ fretzl

    The official translation for mail address in Dutch is indeed "e-mailadres" ... so when it comes to grammar, the hyphen is correct. Just my 2-cents for now, I don't know anything about coding besides HTML :)
  • Check that you do not use the same string for translating "E-mail field". The hyphen is not the issue, the issue is that there cannot be two options with the same name. (Name being the localized text.)
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Thanks. The fix will be in the nightly build.
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