Using French as default language


Having read the warning about loosing strings if one deletes a language, I prefer to ask beforehand...

At the office, I am using Zenphoto to build a gallery of our photo archive. It still is private, but has many pages with descriptions exclusively in French. There are a few pages that will go public soon, with one of them bilingual French-English and another one French-Spanish.

My question is: once I define the Gallery as multilingual to allow the few bilingual pages I plan, what would happen when a visitor whose browser is set at a language other than French visits a French-only page? Will they see the descriptions in French or will Zenphoto default to the non-existent English descriptions?


P.S. No, it's not a request to change the forum...


  • If there is only one description that will be what is shown to all visitors. If there is an English and other translations and the visitor's preference is none of the languages he will still get the English text.

    The caution about reseting the option applies to the back-end only. Since with the option reset there is only one language, if you save that text it will replace all versions with just the one.
  • I see, and your answer means it will work for that purpose. Thanks.
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